Beat Overwhelm – The Brazen Mummy Guide

Beating Overwhelm - Featured Image

Overwhelm. Now there’s a snazzy little buzzword. If you’re feeling like you’re going to smash a few plates with all this juggling, keep reading, mumma. We’re going to fix all of that in a jiffy…

(Also –  when did overwhelm become a noun as well as a verb?

Was it when we all became so overwhelmingly overwhelmed, that some flashy business guru had to invent more jargon? Well, don’t let it be said Brazen Mummy doesn’t keep you on the cutting edge of fancy schmancy lingo.


So are you suffering with this overwhelm too?

And what does it look like?

Err, you know that thing when you’ve got so much stuff to do you can barely stop for breath? When you might just yank your frazzled hair out and scream big ugly swear bombs just for the eff of it? Yes, well that. (So a friend tells me…)

Overwhelm - lady feeling overwhelmed
Are you feeling like this yet?

You may wonder why Brazen Mummy would suffer with this overwhelm. Aren’t I “just” a stay at home mum? Well, firstly, this mumming is a damn sight more demanding than my years of swanning around the office. The days when I could pee solo and make coffee the first time the kettle boiled.

Mumming is a twenty-four hour Piccadilly circus, with no pay and a two foot boss who can tantrum like a b*tch.

But secondly… Continue reading “Beat Overwhelm – The Brazen Mummy Guide”

World Poetry Day – For You

World Poetry Day - a poem about death

It’s World Poetry Day today, so I hope you don’t mind if I share this poem with you. I began writing it in the last few days of my nan’s life; it’s her funeral today.

My nan was in her nineties, a fiercely proud Italian and about the most headstrong of characters you could ever wish to meet. She loved unconditionally and went down fighting; a real Trojan of a woman.

I don’t know much about poetry and don’t usually write it. The opening lines just appeared in my head on my way to visit her for what I knew would be the final time – she was too ill to soldier on.

Then when I sat down to work on the poem, the words just flowed. Sometimes writing is like that. You don’t know what you want to say until the words emerge on the page. That’s part of the magic.

My nan was a natural-born storyteller and loved to be the centre of things, so I know she’d be thrilled to have her own poem, shared with the world. I can imagine her now, nodding sagely to anyone who’d listen, “my storia, on the compute.” So here it is. Continue reading “World Poetry Day – For You”

Versatile Blogger Award – Seven Confessions

Versatile Blogger Award - Confessions

So, wait, what? Brazen Mummy Writes has won an award? Says who?!

Ha ha, I know, I know. Month one – what are the chances.  It’s called the Versatile Blogger Award – twit twoo. There’s no actual trophy, but I get to show off my badge. (Although I may have made that myself…)

And, hang on. Brazen Mummy is going to confess seven embarrassing things about herself? Crikey. Fetch the thermometer, what’s wrong with this woman…

What’s it All About?

I was kindly awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Nikki Blissett, who blogs on her website:

The award is given to bloggers by other bloggers, like a glorious Mexican wave of appreciation for their work. Nikki is a mental health blogger, and whilst I haven’t suffered any mental health issues myself (other than the usual writing anxiety and random paranoias about impostor syndrome which I’ve blogged about), her honest writing style is a beautiful thing. (And you need to check out the adorable comments from her mum – they’ll melt your heart like a mug of hot chocolate)

Fear of Missing Out?

Continue reading “Versatile Blogger Award – Seven Confessions”

Early Miscarriage – From My Heart to Yours

A Valentine's Letter - Early miscarriage

This week’s post is a toughie for me. Early miscarriage is something which affects so many of us, and yet when it happens to you, you feel like the only one in the world. Because nobody ever mentions it. It becomes like your secret shame, and it should never feel that way. So I’m going to be brazen and talk.

Because it’s hard to be the only one without a bump. Without a pram. Without a warm bundle of baby-ness in your arms. You feel like it will never happen for you; like blessings are for the other people. That’s not the case.

So it was always my wish to put my thoughts into words one day, in the hope of helping somebody out there find a little piece of comfort. There is help for you if you have suffered an early miscarriage. There is support. There may be solutions if you look for them and you may still find that rainbow if you keep on searching. I am proof of that.

Early Miscarriage – My Valentine’s Letter

This Valentine’s day I will think of you. All three of you. Your tiny hearts which did not beat for long. Continue reading “Early Miscarriage – From My Heart to Yours”

Blogging Words – Humorous Guide

Blogging words - humorous guide

Blogging Words. Just what is all that lingo about anyway? Well, here goes…

(Now don’t say Brazen Mummy isn’t down with the kids!)

Your Complete Guide to Blogging Words…

Blogroll – Honestly, I’m not making these blogging words this up. And it’s not the stuff your toddler likes to unravel across the bathroom like he’s the bloody Andrex puppy. This is a list of links which you may have on your website, probably in a sidebar, listing other decent blogs. But hang on a sec, what’s a…

Sidebar – Ooh, I know. Small place where you order drinks? Err, brandy cocktail? (or was that a sidecar?) Ah, nope. Disappointingly, this is just a column to the right or left of the main blog content. You know, the bit where you might put a widget or two. Oh, give me strength. What the hell’s a…

WidgetLittle plastic thingy-bob in the bottom of a beer can? You know, the thing that makes the froth? Jack Dee did a whole song and dance about them in the 90s. (Ladies flashing their ladybird bottoms were involved, so my husband now points out. Trust him to notice. You can check out the lady bums with the link below, if you’re particularly bored): Continue reading “Blogging Words – Humorous Guide”