About Me

About Me

Anita Faulkner – Brazen Mummy

Anita Faulkner Brazen Mummy
That’s me and Little B


Get the Gossip…

Welcome! You’re new here? Me too. Pull up a chair, grab yourself a Hobnob, and let’s get stuck in…

#Mumlife. What the actual? No one said it would be this kinda circus! What does your mum life look like? Want a sneak peek inside mine?

OK, here goes…


Who is Brazen Mummy?

I’m Anita Faulkner, mum to a bossy but hilarious two year old boy. (Let’s call him Little B in case he grows up and sues me.) He likes tractors, tantrums and watching Mr Tumble. He does not like doing as he’s told. (Do any of them? Please send tips.)

We’ll call my husband B-Daddy (although he probably won’t sue me – he’s far too polite). He hangs around the place trying to look useful. (Oh god, I hope he doesn’t read this.)


They’re both flipping gorgeous and I am eternally grateful for them (I promise). But wow, some days this motherhood lark deserves an Oscar. Where do we apply?!

Like most of us, I’m just winging it. When I think of something useful to say, I rock up on this blog and let you know.


What is the Brazen Mummy Blog About?

I chat about everything from surviving tantrums and toddler groups to the lowdown on sleep training.

And if you’re ever in need of a pep talk, I’ve got you there too. I get honest about mum guilt, why you should stop comparing yourself to other mums (hint – you’re better than that!) and how to cope if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

I sometimes share bits of my romcom writing life too, as well as the odd book review. (I’m not just a maid to a toddler. But mainly.)

So I’d love it if you’d join me on this wonky old ride. I’ll warn you it might get a little crazy. #Mumlife has me all scraggy-haired and Weetabix-stained most days.

But if that sounds like you too and you’re brazen enough not to give a damn, hop on board.

Let’s do this together…

Brazen: bold, shameless, made of brass. (HOORAY!)

(Stick your email in the box below to sign up to the party if you agree!)

Love and stuff

Anita (Brazen Mummy)



PS – If you’re super keen, you can also:

Follow my more regular frolics on Facebook.

Tweet me.

Or take a peek at my big girl author website. Ooh…