Brazen Mummy Turns One

Brazen Mummy turns one

Woo hoo – it’s been a year since I pressed publish on my Brazen Mummy blog.

And what a year!

Whilst I still essentially blog for fun, I’ve had the best of times flexing my writing muscles and sharing my words with the world.

If you follow my blog you may recall my main writing project is working on getting my romcom novels published. Ooh, I do hope to have more news for you on that very soon…

And that kind of explains where I’ve been for the last couple of months – working on my new author website. You can have a sneaky peek here, and you’re all invited to follow my journey over there too.

I’ll be sharing lots of tips and tricks for writers on mindset, productivity and getting noticed, as well as book reviews and other fun.

In fact if you sign up, you will receive my free top productivity tips to help you get more stuff done. And it’s actually a pretty cute doc – I made it myself!

Anyway, jibber-jabber. To commemorate one year of blogginess (not a word. Definitely should be) I dug out this quirky diary I kept when I was setting up my Brazen Mummy blog, one year ago.

I meant to publish it at the time, but then I posted the one about how the first week of blogging was as crazy as the first week of motherhood, and this beauty kind of got side-lined.

But this made me laugh when I found it recently, so I thought it was time for it to shine. If you’ve ever set up a blog or done anything similarly brain frazzling, let me know if you can relate… Continue reading “Brazen Mummy Turns One”

Five Hot Tips for Writing Inspiration

Hot tips for writing inspiration


Ooh, I’ve got a hottie for you this week. Not only am I sharing my own little quirks for finding writing inspiration, I have drafted in more sassy writers from my sparkling new Facebook group Chick Lit and Prosecco, to share their precious secrets.

More about the group and these sizzling writers later, but if you haven’t joined the group yet, get on over there! We want you.

More About this Writing Inspiration

Aha, so writing inspiration; I had always assumed it was a given. But from hanging out in the virtual world of bloggers, I was surprised to learn this: there are two types of writer. The type that cannot stop thinking of ideas and will never have enough hours to write them all down. And the sort who live in a perpetual panic as to where the next snippet of writing inspiration is flipping well hiding.

Could there also be a hybrid? A being who bounces between the extremes, depending on what life throws at them? If you are one of these in-betweenies, please tell! Maybe this happy medium is in fact where sanity lies. Hmm, now there’s a thought…

Writing Inspiration – Too Much or Not Enough?

Anyway, I am of the too many ideas ilk. I’m bombarded by these little inklings day and night. I can scarcely take a peaceful shower without my muse jumping in with a back scrubber and shouting, “but what about this?” (Yes, bugger off, fella. You can see I haven’t brought my quill.)

And then there’s the sort who struggle for writing inspiration. They have deadlines lurking, but those words are often shirking. Ideas evade them, running for the hills like naughty badgers in the night. You may see these poor writers dancing through the streets with coloured nets, trying to catch their next whimsical notion before it bobs away on a breeze.

Looking for writing inspiration
I’m sure those pesky ideas are in here somewhere…

Writing Inspiration – Where Art Thou?

So all of this got me thinking. Where do I get my writing inspiration from? And here’s what I came up with. Continue reading “Five Hot Tips for Writing Inspiration”

Versatile Blogger Award – Seven Confessions

Versatile Blogger Award - Confessions

So, wait, what? Brazen Mummy Writes has won an award? Says who?!

Ha ha, I know, I know. Month one – what are the chances.  It’s called the Versatile Blogger Award – twit twoo. There’s no actual trophy, but I get to show off my badge. (Although I may have made that myself…)

And, hang on. Brazen Mummy is going to confess seven embarrassing things about herself? Crikey. Fetch the thermometer, what’s wrong with this woman…

What’s it All About?

I was kindly awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Nikki Blissett, who blogs on her website:

The award is given to bloggers by other bloggers, like a glorious Mexican wave of appreciation for their work. Nikki is a mental health blogger, and whilst I haven’t suffered any mental health issues myself (other than the usual writing anxiety and random paranoias about impostor syndrome which I’ve blogged about), her honest writing style is a beautiful thing. (And you need to check out the adorable comments from her mum – they’ll melt your heart like a mug of hot chocolate)

Fear of Missing Out?

Continue reading “Versatile Blogger Award – Seven Confessions”

Motherhood – I Gave Birth to a Blog

Blogging and Motherhood

Why the First Week of Blogging Feels Like the First Week of Motherhood

I lie on the floor of the landing. I’m not quite sure what I’m doing here. I just feel drained.

And then it hits me. This first week of blogging has been like that first week of motherhood. You know the one – when you felt knackered, emotional, and everything was just completely, indisputably surreal.

Right then, thinks my slightly fuzzy brain. You’re not lying here like a great whinge baby for nothing – there’s got to be a post in this somewhere. If I can just rack my memory banks and piece all this together…

So if you remember that hazy, crazy first week of motherhood, or if you’ve ever tried your hand at some new creative thing, have a peek at this and let me know if it all sounds a bit familiar…

Why blogging is like motherhood
Look at those toes!
Photo from Pixabay, via Pexels

Giving Birth – The Ouchy Bit of

The first week of blogging is done and it’s a bit like you’ve given birth. OK, so there were none of those good drugs and nobody came to stitch up your lady parts, but it was similarly intense.

There was PAIN. Continue reading “Motherhood – I Gave Birth to a Blog”

Blogging Words – Humorous Guide

Blogging words - humorous guide

Blogging Words. Just what is all that lingo about anyway? Well, here goes…

(Now don’t say Brazen Mummy isn’t down with the kids!)

Your Complete Guide to Blogging Words…

Blogroll – Honestly, I’m not making these blogging words this up. And it’s not the stuff your toddler likes to unravel across the bathroom like he’s the bloody Andrex puppy. This is a list of links which you may have on your website, probably in a sidebar, listing other decent blogs. But hang on a sec, what’s a…

Sidebar – Ooh, I know. Small place where you order drinks? Err, brandy cocktail? (or was that a sidecar?) Ah, nope. Disappointingly, this is just a column to the right or left of the main blog content. You know, the bit where you might put a widget or two. Oh, give me strength. What the hell’s a…

WidgetLittle plastic thingy-bob in the bottom of a beer can? You know, the thing that makes the froth? Jack Dee did a whole song and dance about them in the 90s. (Ladies flashing their ladybird bottoms were involved, so my husband now points out. Trust him to notice. You can check out the lady bums with the link below, if you’re particularly bored): Continue reading “Blogging Words – Humorous Guide”