Hey folks
I will am currently taking another stab at embracing technology (PAIN!), and attempting to move my subscriber list to a better system.
This will mean I can send my readers freebies and exclusive content, so it should be super exciting.
What is NOT COOL is that I will lose all of you who signed up via your WordPress account (rather than subscribing by putting your email address in the box.) I feel so sad about this, as us bloggers sweat blood and tears to win the heart of every precious reader. I can’t bear to lose any of you. Please stay with me!
So if you signed up via WordPress, I would love it if you’d stick your email address in one of the SUBSCRIBE boxes now, as I can move those emails to my new system. I have a FREEBIE coming out with my next blog post this weekend, and I don’t want anyone to miss out. So please take this step ASAP!
If you’re not sure how you signed up, worry not. Just stick your email address in again. I can fix any duplicates.
I will make sure I send out the freebie to all email addresses I have. As my loyal followers, you deserve all the free stuff. (If you haven’t yet signed up – what are you waiting for!)
So once again, I hope you choose to stay with me on this journey. I have so much more to share with you and I’ve loved having you along for the ride.
Grateful hugs
Anita. Xx
P.S. Any problems, give me a shout via my Contact page or on Facebook. Mwah…

Subscribed lovely xx
Phew, thank you! Can’t go losing Mother P! 😱 xx
Subscribed! You’re one of my faves!
Thank you Wendy! What a darling thing to say. So glad to be keeping you. Xx
I’m going now where! Ya got me girl! 🥰
Whoop whoop! We’re in it together. That’s fantastic news. Xx
Done xx
Fab, thank you! Great to have you here. Xx