My Mother’s Day Apology

An Apology to My Mother

I didn’t realise what a mother was until I became one.

When I was a child, you were someone who took charge of all the things and told me I couldn’t stay up late playing Barbie Rock Star. In my heart I was grateful you were always there with your hugs and your patience, but I didn’t realise it then.

Mother's Day - My Apology
Rocking the 80s

When I was a teenager, you were someone who nagged about short skirts and said no to bad boyfriends. In my heart, I was grateful you showed me how to be strong and brave and to believe in myself, but I didn’t realise it then.

When I grew up, you became a best friend. I was growing into you – we liked the same things. We scavenged at flea markets, fought over bargains, shared inspiration. But that wasn’t all you were. I didn’t realise it then.

Now That I Am a Mother

Now that I am a mother, though still new, I begin to sense what it means – the sheer enormity of what you have given.

Those nine long months of joy and fear, not knowing how they will end or what you will become. Your body stretching, getting ready to burst.

The pain and emotion of childbirth, like a dreadful roller coaster. Willing to endure anything for your happy, healthy ending. Then finally able to leave; tired and clueless, your hopes and dreams wrapped up in a blanket. The terror of breaking such a delicate thing. A thing that is yours to keep.

The dedication of giving your life to the upbringing of a small human being. The twenty-four hour sleepless devotion, the unwavering love. The toil without gratitude. The tears, the tantrums, the endless tasks. No time to yourself. Who are you anyway?

Mother's Day - My Apology
I wasn’t always bad..!

And That’s Just the Beginning

And that’s just the beginning; a drop in the ocean of this thing they call motherhood. I cannot yet appreciate all you have done or what else is yet to come. But I know there will be plenty.

So I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry that I did not appreciate all you had done. All you had given. Sorry that I took your efforts for granted. That I put you through hell with bad boyfriends and dreadful skirts.

And thank you. Thank you for all the love, the fun, the dedication to the whirlwind that is motherhood. Thank you for not minding about any of it. For taking it in your stride as part of the job. For laughing, and hugging and loving anyway.

Thank you for being my mum, my cheerleader, my protector against bad things. Thank you for being a giggly warm Grandma to my toddling bundle of joy.

But most of all thank you for just being my friend.; silly, stubborn, inspirational, kind. My original Brazen Mummy.

Mother's Day - My Apology
Off to a French flea market. You always beat me to the bargains – should leave you at home!

Over to You

What are your thoughts this Mother’s Day? Did your understanding of motherhood change when you became one? Maybe you aren’t a mother yourself, but you still appreciate yours to the fullest extent – don’t get me wrong, I know my pre-mum selfishness is probably entirely my own! (Some of my best people are non-mums – who doesn’t love hanging out with people who don’t rabbit on about kids! He hee…)

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If you want more of the same, why not take a look at these posts too:

Credit for Featured Image – Photo by Carl Attard from Pexels


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51 Replies to “My Mother’s Day Apology”

  1. This is just beautiful! It’s so nice to hear your background and where you and your mama bear come from!
    As always, amazing post and I am always excited to read more! Thank you 🙂
    Nanny M x

    1. Wow, if the wonderful Nanny M approves that’s praise indeed! You’re the real life Mary Poppins. Xx 🌂

  2. Beautifully written, and you’ve captured it so well! I also did not truly appreciate everything my mother had given until I became a mother myself.

  3. I think I only really realised what my mum went through when I had my own kids, I feel guilty for how awful I was to her at times! I spoil her rotten these days!

  4. It changes massively, I’d always been super close to my Mum, did things for her, helped out where I could but once I became a Mum I really understood all that being a Mum meant to her as I now felt the same.

    This is a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing so honestly x

    1. Ha ha, yes. My mum’s a bit like that already! Daren’t say my little one wears me out, otherwise I get to hear all about what a handful I was at that age! Xx

  5. Such a lovely post, I don’t think any of us really appreciate our own mums until we become mums ourselves. I certainly didn’t x

  6. Perfect words. It’s impossible to understand the enormity of motherhood until you’re a mother yourself. I’m sure your Mom would never want you to apologise though, it’s all part of the job. ☺️

  7. What a great post. Such a beautiful reminder that you really don’t understand what your mom did for you until you become a mom. I recall a few situations from my childhood when I thought why is she doing that? And now, not only do I totally get it, but I also do the same things😂

  8. Couldn’t have written it better myself. Something clicks when you become a Mum…you just suddenly get it. Love this post, it’s beautiful.

    1. Thank you, that’s very sweet of you. And you’re right – something does just click. Thank goodness! X

  9. This was lovely, I feel like you’ve said what I feel about my mom since I became one. Since I told my mom I was pregnant she was so supportive, she has been my rock since having my daughter and she’s so amazing. I didn’t appreciae her as a teenager but I certainly do now!

    Viv @

    1. It sounds like you have a wonderful mum. It’s great that you have such a beautiful bond. Xx

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