So last month I got all bookish and received a free advance copy of Make It Up To You by Lucy Keeling, in return for my honest review. And you know I’m always brazen! Want to know the lowdown…?
Make It Up To You – Woo Hoo!
Ooh, so I’ve been itching to read this beauty for a LONG TIME! If you’re in my Facebook group Chick Lit and Prosecco, you’ll already know that the author Lucy Keeling is one of our liveliest members. She’s sassy, friendly, funny…and we’ve all been dying for her debut novel Make It Up To You to hit our virtual shelves.
(If you’re not yet in the Chick Lit and Prosecco group – hop on over! The party is waiting for you, and you get to bask in the gorgeous glow of authors like Lucy. Some of their magic is bound to rub off…right?!)
Anyway, ladies. The wait is over. Make It Up To You is here, in all its glossy, shimmering glory. Now let me tell you more…

Make It Up To You – The Official Blurb
What do mascara wands and gardening shears have in common? Continue reading “Make It Up To You – My Book Review”